You know folks, I never cared that you were gay until you started shoving it down my throat…
In other words Mr. Philipp, you never cared about people until they pricked your conscience and exposed the bile of bigotry and racism kept there. Since you enjoy the legal right to purchase a home or adopt a child in all 50 states, and work without fear of being fired due to your sexual orientation, why should you be bothered by injustice? You don’t have to battle for your rights in court so why exhaust your mental energy in such a nasty fight?
I never cared what color you were, till you started blaming me for your problems…
Mr. Philipp, I fear you are missing out on the tremendous power of love. It only expands in our hearts when shared. People of color are not blaming you for all their problems. They are not blaming you alone for systematic oppression. They are asking white people to examine their role in holding up the structures of systematic racism. These are big words so let me break it down with a personal example.
My father grew up in the mountains of West Virginia. Because his family was poor, when he came of age, he joined the military to make a living. He then went to college on the GI Bill. My father was able to build wealth that he passed onto his children and grandchildren. His black peers were not afforded the same opportunity therefore the trajectory of their lives was drastically different than ours. Was this my father’s fault? No. Did my father participate and take advantage of the system of white privilege? Yes. Does this give me the gift and responsibility to work for social justice? Yes!
My father was an incredibly hardworking, generous man. He died five years ago so my siblings and I now carry forward the legacy he created. My father, who had so little when he started out in the world, left us in a position of incredible privilege. To be clear, he didn’t leave us with a large monetary inheritance. He left something far more valuable, a heart filled with gratitude, and empathy for our neighbors.
"Those who lose their life for my sake will find it," Jesus said (Matt. 10:39). By listening and learning from people of color, we will lose the old way we saw life, but we will ultimately find a better way for everyone to live. Though it is initially painful to pry your mind open, once you pop the lid off white privilege, the Spirit has room to breathe, heal and liberate us all.
I never cared about your political affiliation until you started condemning me for mine…
You may be mistaking belief in science, facts, and equality as an assault on your political preference. I will rebuke anyone who behaves like a school yard bully whether that bully is a Republican, Democrat, or Independent.
I really never even cared where you were born, until you wanted to erase my history and blame my ancestors for your problems…
This compels me to ask, would you follow Jesus if he showed up today as a stranger from the Middle East insisting that you leave your job, sell your belongings, serve the poor, and feed the hungry? Or would you say, “I never really cared where you were born until you wanted to erase my history.”
Stories shape our identity and connect us so we can experience the full breadth of human diversity. When someone’s family history conflicts with ours, we are given a new writing prompt to create an updated, fuller version of who we are. We can re-write history. Every day brings new experiences so our history is constantly changing. Now that I am an adult, I understand things I could not as a child. It doesn’t mean that I was wrong to see the world the way I once did. But as we mature, we can gain a broader, wiser perspective of how our lives intertwine with others.
You know I never even cared if your beliefs were different than mine, until you said my beliefs were wrong, but now I care.
To be clear, there is no wiggle room for debate here:
- Your beliefs are wrong when you deprive people of equal rights and opportunities.
- Your beliefs are wrong when they shroud you in comfort while others gasp for life.
- Your beliefs are wrong when they condone hatred and cruelty.
My patience and tolerance are gone...
Your post begs the question, "Did you ever really possess patience and tolerance for others?"
And I am not alone in feeling like this, there are millions of us who feel like this.
Yes, you have plenty of company, but there are also millions of progressive Christians who find this post a disgusting violation of our faith. I don't write this with the expectation of opening a healing dialogue with you, as miraculous as that would be. I write so people know that all Christians do not share these views.
Truth be told, it doesn’t take millions to change the world. According to Jesus, it only takes about 12. When one of the 12 decides that power, security and wealth is more important than love, 11 folks will do.
Jesus’s radical love enraged people in power. For the longest time no one cared about an obscure rabbi traveling the hills of Galilee — until he challenged the status quo and exposed their contribution to human suffering. Then they cared so much that they killed him. But God’s resurrecting love, justice and hope would not be held in a tomb. It burst out in earth shattering ways. That Spirit still crosses borders, and enrages the powerful by setting the captive free.
You may not care, but I thought you should know. Jesus is at work, making “good trouble” in the world today.