Fear Sees the Worst, Faith Looks for the Best.
While it not healthy to repress our feelings, we have taken this too far. It is not necessary to post every nasty thought that pops into our minds. We have collectively forgotten that there is a time and place to express our displeasure. Like toddlers who don’t know how to make it to the toilet to throw up, we emotionally vomit all over Twitter and Facebook. But there is no parent to clean up after us. We spew our anger and hate, and leave it to grow into a vile, wretched stench thus causing a perpetual gag reflex of hateful regurgitation.
America, it’s time for us to grow up and learn to use an emotional toilet. Find someone to talk with about the fears, grief, and frustration that overwhelm you. Let it out in a safe, loving place.
When I read between the lines of nasty social media comments I find volumes of fear with numerous chapters. One chapter lists the fears that our country will be destroyed by the opposing political party. Another includes fears that our children will not be safe or have what they need. Yet another tells the story of how we will not have enough. Liberal or conservative we share the same basic fears, but we have radically different ways of smoothing over their raw, ragged edges.
Sadly, many of the people hurling insults can recite the Bible chapter and verse. Bible talk is easy. Living by faith is hard. It requires us to trust God especially when the government is led by people we do not like. It’s no accident that any time an angel showed up in the Bible, their first words were, “Fear not.” It is human nature to fear the unknown, but we need to heed the wisdom of angels. Fear sees the absolute worst possible outcome of any situation. Faith looks for the best results and works to make that happen. Living by faith and working for a new world is the best way to flush the toxic emotional waste from our lives. We don’t have to track undigested rage through the pages of social media.
The golden rule appears in various forms in all the major religions of the world. Ancient truths are timeless. Given that we live in an age when we can instantly interact with thousands of neighbors, it is more important than ever to do more than talk. We can't just say the words. We have to live them. “In everything -- including social media posts -- do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
At the very least, stop being mean when you read a story about dogs.